Dwarf champion
While waiting on parts of the giant drying I painted up this dwarf champion. Mostly metallic so really quick and easy to do the only part I struggled on was what colour to paint his gloves. My usual leather colour would blend in with the beard and anything darker would blend with the axe. In the end I went with red to match his plume maybe a mistake but a fun one.
Since this is such a short post I'm going to talk about games workshop and made to order. I've always tried to support made to order even before the old world was released in the hopes of getting more great classic minis. There have been some great ones and although it's been painful I've not bought everything I would have wanted. The dwarf releases out now are a good example of how not to do it. There are just too much. To buy everything would cost about £150 and I don't want everything. The dwarf lords come in a pack of five wether you want them all or not I'm guessing all five are in the same mould and it's easier for GW this way but you end up buying models you don't want.
As it is I spent more than I wanted and less than I would have liked. I would have much preferred to spend the same amount on only the models I wanted but sadly the rune smiths and slayers never made the cut, I do really want those slayers. So what's the solution? Either spread out the made to order stuff over multiple months or GW sorts out the pay in 3 option on PayPal. I feel that the way it is now makes for a frustrating experience which is a shame because I was really looking forward to this one.
Thanks for reading.
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