Warhammer world

I'm a little late with this post down to being busy at work then going on holiday. I still haven't painted anything but I did make it to Warhammer world so this post will be a photo dump of the pictures I took throughout the day. Sadly time was to limited for a trip to foundry aswell I'm sure I'll get there again one day. At the time I thought I was taking too many pictures but looking back at them I'm wishing I took more. There's alot of painting inspiration I was getting walking around that I'd like to look back on. The slann on display pushed me into buying one so taking a picture of that would have been a good idea. I was also on the verge of buying loads of titanicus stuff before forcing myself to leave. Anyway here are the pics.

This is a diorama I've always wanted see in person, it definitely lived up to expectations.

Dwarfs of course.

Another great classic diorama. Some good memories of Warhammer quest.


I've got slambo and mighty Zug to paint up. I tried getting better lighting on them but my phone skills failed me.

I used to have one of these I'm hoping it becomes available on made to order some day.

Mario and Luigi checking out some iron jaws. Love the models but never known how to paint them. The red looks good though.

Cool conversion.

Another model I own but don't know how to paint. This should help get me going.

See above.

Game over man!

My wife asked what the penitent engine was. That was a fun conversation.

There is an ultramarine in there somewhere.

One of my favourite bits of the big diorama. Very reminiscent of world war Z.

More colour inspiration.

Some sweet jet bike things. Necromunda has an amazing model range.

I really need to get some titanicus stuff.

I've got old Nagash sitting at home waiting for some paint. I did start him but wasn't happy with how it was turning out.

Fantastic colours unfortunately I forgot to get the names of the painters. Some of the conversations and paint jobs really impressed me.

Look at this guy!

Hopefully you should be able to zoom in on these I'm not sure how well they transfer to blogger. All in all it was a great day and I'd definitely recommend going if you can. It's not quite worth the nine hour drive it would normally take me but as a three hour diversion while on holiday I'd do it again another year.

Thanks for reading.


  1. That's awesome, and lots of dioramas I didn't even know existed!

    1. It was great there's lots I never took pictures of you could spend hours wandering around the exhibition.


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