Captain Messinius

 I'm once again working on my hatred of painting space marines. I have bit of an obsession with edge highlighting which makes painting suits of power armour an incredibly time consuming nightmare. Too many edges and too many spheres my edge highlighting mind simply can't understand has prevented me from buying space marines for years. There may come a day when I give up on them completely but it is not this day.

I saw this guy going cheap in my local store so thought he would be a nice change and a chance to try something new. Apparently he's a white consul which is an ultramarine successor chapter and more importantly I already had a can of white primer. He got primed, recess shaded with a contrast paint and then very minimal highlights. This is when I learned that highlighting white with white doesn't really work. Nevermind that the armour was done in (for me) record time.

The other bits went together quite quickly as well apart from the gun. The casing give me alot of trouble for some unknown reason and I decided to paint the plasma coils without looking at a guide which wasn't a great idea. I did paint the gem from memory though and that was from a high elf painting guide from over 20 years ago.

I'm really happy with how the base turned out. Since I was experimenting with this guy I decided to try out the dirty down rust and green stuff world liquid pigments again. They both turned out alright so I stuck down some tuffs and called it a day.

I had planned on heading into Halfords to pick up some satin varnish to try out and somehow ended up in the local hobby shop again on the way. While there I spotted a can of ak varnish so went for that instead. It's a little glossier than I would like but not too bad I still might try out Halfords varnishes at some point. A little contrast medium on the base knocked it back to matt and Messinius was finished.

Since I had found a way of painting space marines thet was quick and easy I decided to try two more using the air brush. I used the army painter air range triads to lay down the main colours then recess shaded again. The ultramarine is lighter than I would like but should be fine once the rest of the mini is painted. My ultimate goal is to paint up the age of darkness box set as either the world eaters or emperor's children and I'm feeling much more confident in that now.

Sorry Tamurkhan, I've not forgotten you.

Thanks for reading.


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