A tale of one warlord (Part 1)
While surfing Facebook looking for any AoS groups nearby I happened upon a 8th edition warhammer fantasy tournament. This somewhat blew my mind causing me to drop everything and start planning my army. Unfortunately due to covid I was unable to attend the event as a spectator but through following the Facebook posts I found out that it's quite popular in the area with another event being planned for the new year.
While my track record for completing projects is poor at best actually having something to paint for should help with my motivation. So my first job was to pick an army. It needed to be GW miniatures for aesthetic reasons and also mostly still in production for financial reasons. The two stand out choices were empire and dark elves both of which I already have centrepiece models for, I ended up picking the Empire.
The next task was writing an army list and picking a colour scheme. Again by following the Facebook group I found out that they were using the warhammer armies project for army building which was great as all the rules and army books are free to download. I've came up with several army ideas and I think I've settled on one I like but it is of course likely to change at some point. To play it safe I've only ordered 3 boxes of guard which will be required with whatever I finally decide on.
The Army
Empire general on gryphon
Level 3 wizard lord
Captain with battle standard
Warrior priest
33 swordsmen with the two captains
29 halberdiers with the warrior priest
2 x 10 handgunners one with the wizard
2 x 5 pistoliers
20 greatswords
A mortar
A helblaster volley gun
3 demigryphs
A celestial hurricanum
Most of my choices were made on what looked coolest and my overriding desire for symmetry. I would have liked to include a steam tank but the alter looks funkier and some huntsmen would probably be a sound tactical choice. Looks are also the reason for having handguns rather than crossbows which seem to be better all round.
For colours I'm leaning towards red and yellow after seeing some great men at arms which corresponds with Talabecland. To help speed up the painting I ordered some vallejo air yellows and set about testing them on the gryphon. The coverage is terrible. I'll be painting over a gray primer but I was planning on doing an all over wash then highlighting up. I'm not sure that will work now so I think another test mini is in order or possibly a new colour scheme.
Anyway that's enough for now I'm off to write some dark elf army lists and find some pictures for this wall of text.
Thanks for reading.
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