A tale of one warlord (part 2)

 A figured a monthly update on this project would be appropriate and the 1st is as good a day as any. The date and event pack for the next tournament has arrived so I now have something solid to work from, it will be ran in February using the 8th edition rules. The bad news is I'll be working that day but rather than worry about that I'm going to crack on with the painting and hopefully sort something out nearer the time once I know if I'll have a painted army.

Here's what I have so far.

I've had to adjust my list a little as the one I had written up was for the warhammer armies project and it may still get tweaked a little as there is an option for bound monsters. I've always wanted a jaberslyth. 

Aside from getting alot of building and mould line removal done I never got any painting time. Unfortunately I was struck down by man flu and was unable to do much more than sleep, still made it into work being a lone worker has its benefits. 

Thanks for reading. 


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