Fantasy adventurer 7-1

 Back in my first post of the year I joked about getting Alarielle finished before March. Well life and work hit me pretty hard so not much got done throughout February. It got to the point that I have a week off work and it took until Thursday before forcing myself to sit down and paint. Luckily I had already started on this guy so I was able to finish him off for a quick win and get some hobby mojo back. 

Fantasy adventurers 7-1

As with all the fantasy adventurers range he is a really characteristic sculpt even if he does look like he grew up in Innsmouth. To be honest the paint job is not great but it’s what I needed at the time. I feel like I really pushed myself last year which is great but I now have the rest of the slaves army to paint up to that standard and I just can’t get started. I also treated myself to an airbrush but I’m a little bit scared of trying it out which I admit is incredibly stupid. 

I didn’t do anything very adventurous on this mini but that was kind of the point. I did try to give him glowing eyes but that was a last minute decision so I never checked out any YouTube tutorials and just used what I had at hand. No idea if it worked out or not but it does mean I’ve inadvertently given all my good fantasy adventurers the same turquoise on them. 

I also managed to knock out a little display board to aid in taking pictures but it’s not great (or finished). I had hoped it would make getting the colours right in photos easier but it doesn’t so I’ll try it out a few times and see how it goes. I also found a use for the covid information signs at work but I won’t go into that. 

Thanks for reading. 


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