Otherworld wyvern

Day 1

I decided it was time to try out the airbrush. I’ve had this mini sitting on the shelf for a couple of years now and while I love otherworld’s metal minis this resin one made forge world look good. Putting it together and cleaning it up was a nightmare with gaps you could fit a dwarf in. When it came time to prime it the paint just wouldn’t adhere to the wings and yes I did scrub them before hand so after blasting it with some spray paint, which also flaked away, I stuck it on the shelf out of sight and out of mind. Luckily this made it the perfect mini to practice airbrushing on so I broke out four paints, some white ink and got started. 

I initially thinned the paint down far too much as I was overly worried about clogging it up. After that it went better I had some spider webbing and speckling but I was usually able to sort it out. I definitely need a lot more practice but overall it’s not too bad, painting is supposed to be stressful isn’t it? Cleaning it wasn’t the hassle I was expecting so hopefully it still works next time I get it out. The good news is I don’t regret buying it. 

Day 2

Bit of a tidy up and slopped on some contrast paint. At this point it’s not looking great but they never do at this stage. Tomorrow I should get the last of the shading done and add some highlights with any luck I’ll have more time than I did today. Looking at my airbrush work now I think I needed to up the contrast as I was mixing the paint like I would for using a brush. The green doesn’t have enough variation and the creams look like one colour it was still good practice for base coats though. 

Day 3

Fallout New Vegas - went all in with the NCR, already planning my next play through with the legion.

Day 4

Not much progress but I think the majority is now finished. Once the scales and highlights are done it should look a lot better but I’m still not sure what to do with the wings. 

And this is where life went somewhat off the rails. Not sure what it was exactly but I completely lost all time and motivation for painting for a couple of weeks. When this has happened before I’m usually able to force myself to get stuff done but when I tried that this time the wyvern ended up with gold finger painted onto its wings which killed whatever enthusiasm I had. It wasn’t until today that I felt like I wanted to paint so I sat down and didn’t move until it was done. I’m trying to decide on which pictures I like best the first ones are taken outside and I think show the colours better. The second set are inside under my painting light. Let me know if you have a preference I might also try out the light box again.

Otherworld wyvern

So first impression of the airbrush? I liked using it and if nothing else it got me to paint up a mini I had more or less written off. I need to play with it a lot more before I’ll feel comfortable using it but I can definitely see potential and while this isn’t a great paint job it is a completed paint job. The base coats went on quick and easy although as I said earlier the green needed more contrast while the wings were completely painted over, I’m not entirely happy with how they turned out but that’s fine. Now I have another week where work will prevent any painting getting done so I have plenty of time to plan my next project. 

Thanks for reading. 


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