Otherworld gnome

Otherworld miniatures gnome

What we have here is a gnome illusionist. When I first saw the mini I thought it was amazing but put off painting him due to my fear of OSL. He sadly ended up in my to paint pile along with his torch bearing adventuring buddy who I also felt was beyond my ability to paint satisfactorily. Luckily I was able to bring my reckless disregard for personal safety out of my everyday life and into my painting.
He turned out to be much quicker and easier to paint than I thought he would be and was done in a couple of days. I had planned on making him quite colourful with bright greens and blues giving him a flamboyant illusionist air but in the end decided on more natural colours with some blue thrown in. Blue is of course the colour of illusion as proven by ‘Use your illusion 2’ which is also of course the superior of the two albums. The only real problem I had when paining him was the eyes but after six or seven attempts I got something I’m happy with.

My goal with this mini was to practice OSL as it’s something that I have never had the courage to try before. That might sound stupid to some people but you have to remember I’m a slow painter with very little time to spare. The risk of ruining many hours work trying to be fancy didn’t seem worth it so it’s always been avoided. With this mini I decided to give it a go but make it hopefully easier by using nihilakh oxide as the main colour. My reasoning behind this was that it’s already a colourful washy type paint, what could go wrong? I ended up with a glowing crystal effect that I’m happy with and I feel better about trying out some fire next time.

Trying to show how small this guy is.

Thanks for reading.


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