Holiday Boglings

I don’t know what other people do on holiday but I spent the few hours I had each morning painting up some minis before the wife and baby woke up. This was more time than you might imagine. As is usual for me now I brought a whole pile of minis to work through and got three done which I consider a success.

 boglings miniature

Despite the main purpose of this blog being to help me paint up a Dwarf army should I ever make it to BOYL I again went with Otherworld, at this point it’s fair to say I’m a fan. Not everything about the Boglings turned out the way I wanted but I think overall it’s a nice easy colour scheme that works and I should have no trouble reproducing it. This is the second set of Boglings Otherworld makes so at some point I will get the others. I’m also missing the third sculpt from this set, for some reason I got two of the same one in my order. There is also a type 2 demon that they make which would look great behind his Bogling hoard. I’m sure there’s a story to tell there.


Otherworld bogling

I wanted to try out a different basing technique on these guys aiming for a swamp land type of look. As always YouTube was my friend and I ended up copying Engineer Jeff’s tutorial on basing. It was quite easy to do and forgiving for my poor dry brushing skills. Now all I need is the time and money to knock out a swampy army.

Thanks for reading.


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