Otherworld Satyr

 satyr miniature

For my first proper post I have two satyr from otherworld miniatures. Great little guys to paint up and full of character. I'm not a gamer so I normally look for interesting minis to paint up and have been a fan of the D&D world since seeing the cartoon as a kid. I watched them again last year and couldn't believe how few there were, He-Man is on Netflix with about 70 episodes which was no where near as good. Still ace though so I will be watching them with the kid as soon as she's old enough.

Otherworld satyr

Quite a simple paint job little bit of dry brushing and glazing then stick them on a woodland type base. Still bits I'm not happy with but there always will be and despite the flaws I went and ordered two more so they can't be that bad. I do need to work on getting better photos though so I have started making a little display piece which is not as easy as I hoped but I'm enjoying it.

What else do I plan on posting? I finished up a mini last night so once the base is tidied up he can be posted up. I plan on painting a1000 points of dwarfs for 3rd ed or AoS whichever you prefer they work out the same and I'm not a gamer just always wanted an army painted up. I would also like to get the new blood bowl and necromunda (when it's out) ready for when the kids old enough to try them out. I also have the madmans dream of space crusade being re-released. 

At the moment I'm listening to 'The blade itself' by Joe Abercrombie on audiobook since he is selfishly not releasing anything this year.

Thanks for reading.


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