Chaos thug
Thanks to the baby having a good sleep I managed to finish off a chaos thug I started painting about three months ago. That's some slow painting by anyone's standards and my only excuse is the birth of my daughter, which to be fair is not too bad an excuse.
This is a thug from the pantheon of chaos kickstarter, I think he can now be bought from knightmare miniatures, and is one of my favourites from the range. So pre-baby I painted the trousers which I like and post-baby I painted the skin which I don't. I could blame this on the lack of practise and the loss of skill although I've never been great with skin tones which could be why I prefer painting dwarfs, it's the beard. I am very happy with his knee pad though which was a mix of typhus corrosion and rysa(?) rust then metallics and washes. I was worried he would look too clean for a thug but then thought bugger it, it'll be fine, and I'm happy with the result.
The shield was also painted pre-baby and looked good if a little clean also. Post-baby I decided to add the weathering I had been thinking of quickly followed by swearing, dry brushing then washing to achieve the not great but serviceable results you can see here. Don't be afraid to try it out this technique for yourself. The sword was painted like the knee pad although I don't like the results as much so I will be trying to work that out on future minis. In the end I am happy with the paint job and look forward to getting some more from the range done.
Thanks for reading.
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