9 weeks to the old world
Slow but steady progress this week. Things were a little unfocused at the start but I eventually got started on the road wardens although doing all ten might turn out to be a mistake.
The week started off with the general getting some base coats and a lizardmen get a test paint. I really shouldn't be starting to paint non empire stuff but a lack of focus is my biggest problem in life. I'm not too happy with how the lizard man turned out either which isn't great. I think I want to make him a brown gecko type colour instead of the usual blue. For the general the black and gold layers were put down and it's looking like once I'm going he shouldn't take too long.
The road wardens have the red and yellow parts done. I'm currently working on the skin with one of them getting the first highlight done. A lot of time feels like it was wasted going around the edges with a flesh shade to add definition but I guess it looks better overall even if I can't see it. Again I think they will get done quickly once the flesh is finished.
Honestly I could have been further on if I'd stayed focused. The weather has been nice here so it would be a shame to spend it inside painting rather than in the garden with a beer. I've also been playing midnight sons at night. Not the best game but I hate not finishing once I've started though. The good news is that so far I've painted over 1100 points and bought a war alter so that might get added to the list.
I'm also going through bit of a clean out so all my citadel paints are on eBay. There were only a few paints which I used regularly so the rest were having trouble justifying the space they took up. I'll probably get rid of my scale 75 paints as well apart from the metallics so I'm pretty much all army painter now. True to form the citadel paints I used are mournfang brown, zandri dust and khorne red all of which don't have an army painter equivalent. I'm not happy with how the reds look on the road wardens so I need to get the other reds to see if they work better for me.
Thanks for reading.
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