The road to old world
I've always wanted to go to a Warhammer event but have always been held back by my slow painting and complete lack of social skills. All that may change though as on the 1st of March there will be an old world event not far from me and all I have to overcome are those two hurdles.
So on the painting front where do I stand?
I have a unit of swordsmen,
some knights,
and a steamtank.
Not a lot to work with but it's a start. With some creative list writing I've got it down to only 18 minis to paint. Coincidentally I also have 18 days which can be used for painting so hopefully that's a sign that it's achievable.
To fill the list I need to paint,
A mounted general (built but not painted)
A bsb (also built but not painted),
A wizard (half built, I'm sure his head will turn up),
A priest of Sigmar (still in his box),
3 demigryph knights (I'd say about half painted probably less),
10 road wardens (built and intimidating)
A war wagon (unreleased and a substantial hurdle on its own)
I'll admit it's not looking good although I do have a contingency plan. By changing all the knights to knights of Morr and replacing the road wardens with 4 ogres I knock the painting queue down to 12. I also have a hell blaster so if the war wagon is looking to unrealistic I can switch it out.
I have some basing materials and an army case on the way from green stuff world although I still need to source some movement trays, preferably magnetic. I've watched a lot of battle reports and have some night shifts where I can look over the rule book so should be fine on that side of things. All I need to do now is get painting and book a place which I'll do in the beginning of February once I know how the painting is going.
That should clear the first hurdle but it's always been the second one that's got me. Guess I just need to suck it up and get it done, the first one is always the hardest. Wish me luck.
Thanks for reading.
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