Mistakes were made
In an effort to get a game in at some point I decided it was time to rebase my empire swordsman for the old world. Getting them off the old bases was trickier than I expected with my reckless clipper work leaving me with a couple of blisters. Cutting through 40 sand covered bases apparently takes a toll.
The pain was quickly followed by boredom as I stuck them onto the new bases and applied some basing paste. Paint, wash, dry brush and black rims to finish surely it would be worth all the effort. Sadly not as due to a complete lack of sense and forethought I decided to tuft the entire base. This took a lot of time and more tufts than I care to admit and that's only one unit. Lucky they look good, kind of. I really should have stuck with the basing idea I used for my slaves to darkness army which I really liked.
Nevermind onwards and upwards. Have you seen the size of a demigryph base?
Thanks for reading.
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