Royal decapitator

 By a complete coincidence I've painted a Halloween miniature. I don't like going into a gaming store without buying something so I end up getting random blister packs. This time it was a cool looking ghoul from the flesh eater courts.

I had planned on painting him like the box art but after looking at him it turns out his cape is made from flesh. It makes sense but I had planned on giving him a normal flesh colour (normal for me anyway, your flesh colour may vary) rather than the green/blue colour used by GW. I ended up using hobgrot hue then highlighted up by adding a light pale yellow. I was a little worried about the two skin tones not having enough contrast but they turned out alright. The bones blend into the skin a little but overall I don't think its a problem.

I tried using dirty down rust on the axe head but that didn't quite work out. I've not used it for a while and despite giving it a good shake I don't think it was mixed enough. Next time I need it I'll heat it up first which seems to give better results. The other problem I had was with the heads at the base of his axe. I couldn't tell if they were skulls, heads or rocks. After looking at pictures of him I think one is a skull and another is a badly decomposed head. I'd already started painting it as a skull so after a coat plague bearer flesh that's how its staying. The one at the back I still haven't decided on so it's a rock. I'm also not confident on painting pupils on his eyes even with a good brush so they were left a pale yellow.

Over all a great little mini and quite fun to paint. The real bonus from this guy is that while looking him up I found the abhorrent cardinal who became an instant buy. I've decided to put him on a square base so he can be used in the old world as a dark magic user. I think he would look good in an empire or Brettionian exiles list if I can just get the right skin tone for him.

Thanks for reading.


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