Dwarf musician

 I've been making some great hobby progress lately getting in half an hour here and there really adds up.

With the musician done I now have 3 fully painted dwarf units. He is in the great weapon unit along with a bunch of other random dwarfs. I sometimes get tempted to buy a plastic dwarf army to get everything up to date but I just love the old ones so much. I still haven't settled on an old world army yet so I really need to get started on some Brettionians and see how much I like them. Hopefully they are fun to paint and I can get through them quickly.

I have been distracted by a few other things. I still need to paint up a couple of cars for my brother, it's really just the windows and headlights to do but they are quite a bit bigger than I'm used to so I keep putting it off. I'm also getting drawn into 40k because everyone should have a space marine army right? Anyway next up should be Kragg the Grimm then maybe a space marine or orcs. I don't know, really need to get started on some Brettionians.

Thanks for reading.


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