Crawl out through the fallout

 Got another two raiders done with the third and final one well on the way. These were the two I was least looking forward to painting despite both looking great. Also I made a little photo board.

A clearly Mad Max inspired raider all the leather was really putting me off. I think it turned out ok although the blue hair may have been a bad choice. I wanted to use fluorescent colours for the raiders with hair but I'd already used the best colours and really wanted to give this guy dirty blonde. In the end I stuck with the scheme and it's not too bad definitely not my favourite though. Once again the resin base is a winner I've been really impressed with the details on these and I'm tempted to pick up some Skyrim minis to see what they are like.

This guy is a beast I love his pose he's clearly a leader in the gang. The bag over his head was holding me back. It's a great feature but I was thrown over the details and how to paint it. The dirty down rust came out really well on the blade I'm still struggling to get consistent results though. 

And heres the gang so far.

I was planning on picking up some of the orc and goblin minis this week but the prices are crazy. To get a unit of twenty big unz with a command squad would set me back £141. I was also on the fence about the giant and wyvern but at £50 each there's no way I can justify it. I am still planning on getting the marauder giant and the shaman on wyvern although that could quickly change if the prices are any higher. The dwarf reveals were a little lackluster despite the new minis looking amazing. I had hoped that with the dwarf lord now requiring four shield bearers it would mean a return of the throne of power but sadly that's not the case. I was also really excited about getting a unit of prince Uthers imperial dwarfs but not at £141. I'm in two minds about how things are being rolled out. In one way by having the prices so high they are limiting how many kits will be sold I certainly would be spending more if the prices were more reasonable. Then again they seem to be already struggling to meet demand so selling less for a higher price may suit their business needs better. It's also worth noting that I'm paid from the neck down so what do I know.

In other news there will be an AoS event just over an hour's drive from me in June. I've decided to try and enter but being short on time and socially awkward I've put some restrictions on it. First I need a fully painted army I'll be making this easier by working on my slaves to darkness which needs 1000 points painted and I'll only need to buy a box of warriors. The other restriction is I won't sign up until after my holiday in May which will give me time to get as much painted as possible while not tying me into anything. Probably going to do a weekly update as a form of motivation much like my pre covid skaven. Wish me luck.

I'm thinking of changing the name of the blog as well just not sure what to call it. Any ideas welcome.

Thanks for reading.


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