Basing Dwarfs

 A little late with this month's post. I wanted to finish up a couple of minis before posting but once they were done I was to busy to blog. So I started painting another two who are also more or less painted so might as well finish them up before blogging. The whole situation has gotten way out of hand so I'm going to post about basing dwarfs today and do another post in a few days.

Here is most of my dwarf army all based and ready for the old world.

Still some painting to do but everything is ready apart from my unit of slayers which still needs to be bought. Looking at the pictures GW has put out it does look like they will be getting released at some point and all the Brettonia made to order stuff has really got my hopes up. As is traditional I am working the days events are happening so there's no rush to get things done. I've also changed my mind about my Brettonians colour scheme it going to be red and blue as it always should have been.

That's all for now.

Thanks for reading.


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