Angron (and Sparkle Cloak)

 Angron, Daemon of Khorne and primarch to the 12th legion astartes the world eaters.


Got to admit I was beginning to struggle there near the end. My painting started to get sloppy and details were being missed or paint was getting blobbed on in the wrong place. I'd got a new synthetic detail brush from green stuff world for all the little rivets which is now a hooked and splayed mess. Feels great to get him finished and just in time for my blog update so now for a little more detail.

Id got quite a bit done before taking a dwarf break so when I came back to Angron I decided to paint him in sections. This was working well getting the wings, legs, arms and face done then I started on the brass. There's alot of brass. I kept jumping around doing bits I missed or switching to another paint to correct a mistake so again I stopped and started working in sections. The cool 80s power shoulder pads were done first and alot quicker than expected but I left them off to allow batter access for painting the weapons. 

The sword was mostly painted through trial and error. I knew I wanted a green glow to match the slaves to darkness units but a little green edge highlighting on the black blade slowly built up into a completely green blade. The red skin and green sword gave Angron a far more festive look than I had intended which I think will work well when he's sat on top of the Christmas tree.

The axe's skull motif had been painted at the same time as the other skulls but was lost after the surrounding brass had been highlighted. Lucky I had unknowingly stumbled onto the perfect solution, more green! A green wash, not athonian the other one, was lovingly applied and instantly looked terrible. After picking out the skulls again it looked slightly less terrible which is as close to awesome as I needed to be.

I had a couple of ideas for the base which I decided to completely ignore and did the complete opposite. Who doesn't like a nice grassy base though?

The other mini this month is Sparkle Cloak as painted by my 5yo daughter. She also got a gold cup and 3 stars in Mario kart so I'm exceeding my parenting expectations. Now it's time to paint more dwarfs.

Thanks for reading.


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