C06 northern dwarf

 I took a break from Angron to paint up an old dwarf I had lying around. He's one of the C06 range of northern dwarfs and I think he was released in 1984 under the name Oran Ilrut. I like doing a little research when I paint up these old minis and it turns out that in 1987 Oran had changed his name to Vorgar Hardhead maybe this was the name he adopted when dealing with humans. I would love it if this was the kind of blog where I contacted the people involved with Oran's creation to find out the story and inspiration surrounding him but you'll just have to settle for how I painted him.

Oran Ilrut

Which is a very short story.

Vorgar Hardhead

The original idea was to paint all the details green with one shade for the shield and armour trim and another for his arm. That started to sound very boring the further into painting him I got so some on the fly colour choices happened. Red would have looked good but I don't think it would fit his character blue also didn't seem right so I checked a colour wheel for some choices knowing I wanted to use green. After looking at complementary colours and triads I settled on purple for the trim because I paint everything purple and yellow and black checks on the shield, checks are cool, checks are oldhammer. I also didn't like the idea of doing freehand although I did consider doing a dragon or some mountains but I'm not that good a painter. I just thought about doing a rune knot triangle thing, bugger that would have looked good.

I did do some work on Angron which slightly pushed me over the edge into dwarf town. All the armour is finished with lots of little edge highlights. I made a start on the straps and bone areas which is where I stalled. He's wearing a little 60s mini skirt and I've no idea what colour to paint it. I started with purple (of course) then covered that over with the same brown as the straps as it didn't look great. It seems a little lost in all the other brown and it might look better when everything is highlighted but I'm thinking of doing black to match the wings would be better. The other problem area is the bones I'm thinking alternating layers of bone colours and sepia might work but I'm not sure so guess it will be some trial and error. Other than that I think he's coming on nicely and quicker than I thought he would.

I've been listening to the end times novels on audible while painting and their not bad. The fall of Altdorf has been my favourite and the rise of the horned rat has left me a little traumatized. Being a dwarf at heart hearing about their fall didn't sit right with me especially losing to the filthy rats. The elf book was the worst because of all the elves.

Thanks for reading.


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