The Dwarf tower
I made a little dwarf tower. No reason for it just something I thought would be fun to do.
Really enjoyed pottering about with this seems like I'm happiest when I'm doing some old school stuff. Painting up the skaven in my last post was a highlight of the year for me and this tower has me scouring ebay for more dwarfs which are far more expensive than I expected. As much as I enjoy painting my Empire and slaves to darkness forces its the dwarfs that I can look back on with a sense of achievement I probably need to make them a priority.
For those interested the tower was made from a pringles tube cut to a roughly dwarf tower height. Bits of cork were stuck on randomly then it was all covered in pollyfiller which was patted down with a wet sponge. The top has a base of lollypop sticks and matchsticks with balsa wood for the panels and door. My daughter helped with the basing so has more red than I was intending but looks all the better for it. I was thinking of adding a banner hanging from the front but decided against it.
Thanks for reading.
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