Vrednii eater of corpses
After the summer holidays and the apparently inevitable overtime afterwards I needed something to ease me back into painting. Step in Vrednii the unphotographical and eater of corpses. Slapped on a few coats of contrast paint and boom he's done.
Not my best work but quick, fun and easy. I was looking through the otherworld website to check his names spelling and I'd forgotten how great their range is. Really tempted to buy more but I already have a box full that needs painting.
In other news I got married, applied for a new job and bought some mythology candles to try out. I like having something burning while I pant and despite the massive postage cost I decided to treat myself. Sadly so far I'm not impressed so will have to continue my quest to find the perfect painting candle.
It's also the weekend of BOYL, once again I'm working through it. Hopefully I'll get a new job with better time off and make it next year.
Thanks for reading.
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