The new year 2022
The new year! I'm not normally this excited about it but last year came straight out of Nurgles toilet. I painted a grand total of 21 minis a new low and something I'm rightly ashamed of. I have no idea how many I bought but it was too many. The reasons for this terrible year are not really something to blog about although by welding the mighty axe of Khorne most of it is now straightened out.
The sun sets on another year. |
Enough doom and gloom though how did the rest of the year go? I painted some dwarfs, two big minis I'm quite proud of and a space marine. I started painting some imperial guard mostly because I wanted to build a leman russ, it was fun and something I need to get back to. My chaos army while not finished is coming along nicely as is my Empire army. I found a couple of gaming groups nearby so I may get a game in sometime one of them even plays fantasy so hopefully the stars will align and I can get involved in a weekend tournament. The closer group is mostly 40k (boo!) which is why I've been looking at armies I might like there. Not really found one that sticks so I'll keep looking. There's also hope for middle earth so my options really out stretch my time and finances.
Other than that the last month has been great painting wise as I seem to be back to my old self. At the moment I’m painting the chaos lord on karkadrack (life's to short to check names and spelling) which is coming along nicely. Do I have goals for this year? Finish my S2D, finish my Empire or maybe a 40k thing? History has taught me none of these things will happen but what the hell I vow to complete all three.
All going well this year I'll be flying to America and getting married. This will unfortunately cut into my painting time but other than that I'm hopeful it will be a good year.
All the best for the new year and thanks for reading.
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