Klaus Half-man
Back in the long long ago before covid and the internet I spent a summer at my granny’s with a pack of chaos combat cards. I spent hours looking at each card but my favourite by far was Klaus Half-man mutant thug. I never did buy any of the minis thinking that the painting and converting were beyond my abilities focusing my time and money on the undead and skaven instead.
When I got back into the hobby in 2014 i bought a pack of cards and decided to collect, convert and paint the set. This was before I found out about oldhammer and crazy eBay prices, so naive. I was able to find most of the minis I’ve even converted a couple but so far I’ve only painted one and that was before I started the blog. The one I struggled to find was the one I really wanted. For years he never appeared on eBay and when he did it was for stupid money but eventually I got him.
So in true oldhammer style I cut off his tab and drilled him full of holes. It was a quick paint job which surprised me but I’m really happy with how he turned out and I think I matched the paint job quite well. Unfortunately when I looked at the photo I took at foundry, post here, I missed the red spikes around his eye and the trousers aren’t quite right.
So that’s a hobby goal done and I couldn’t be happier now I need to try and get the rest done.
Thanks for reading.
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