Chaos week 0
For the first time this year I have some time off work coming up. With the way my shifts work when I go back that adds up to a solid four weeks of prime painting time. Rather than stumbling about on random projects I decided to knock out a 1000 point slaves to darkness army so if an event does appear I’ll be ready for it, if Vince Venturella can paint 2000 points in 24 hours I can paint 1000 in a month, maybe. I know an event will be either 1500 to 2000 points but I will have a good start on it and adding to an existing force should be a lot easier than starting one. Since the weekly update worked to motivate me with the skaven I’ll be doing that again.
Here’s the army which comes to exactly 1000 points.
Chaos lord on Karkadrak
Sorcerer lord
2x5 warriors
5 knights
6 Raptoryx
And here’s how it currently looks.
The Raptoryx are still on the sprue but everything else is at least primed. I have sort of came up with a colour scheme and basing idea but to be honest that could change between now and when I get started. The original idea was capes painted in scale 75 blues from the shades of doom box with snow basing. That changed into rusty orange capes on autumn woodland bases which ment buying scale 75 paints and green stuff world leaves and tree stumps (which I’m going to struggle to fit on any of the bases). At the moment I’m sticking with the woodland bases but switched to purple capes. I bought but haven’t yet received the violet set from war colours which looks like it will work better than the purple.
To aid me in this quest I wanted to buy some cantrip candles to set the painting mood but they weren’t shipping internationally and when they were the postage was $45. I found an alternate from gametee in the UK which seem fine but cantrip are really hyped so hopefully they get a UK distributor and I can try them out.
My daughter noticed the warrior was missing his head. Luckily the priest had one spare. |
All that’s left to do now is get started.
Thanks for reading.
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