I have Kharadron Overlords and I must scream

When the Kharadron Overlords first came out the frigate was an instant buy for me. It was built in what I thought would be the optimal amount of subassemblys then sat unpainted until this January. I had spotted some spray cans in B&Q and decided that they would be the perfect colours to use and aid in the speedy painting of my first mini for the year of big things. Sadly the paint was less than ideal which I’m sure wasn’t my fault, I’ve sprayed lots of stuff before with no problems. In short I could have applied the paint thinner with a trowel which wasn’t to big a problem with the frigate but the dudes themselves needed to be stripped. The second problem was that I left everything in the kitchen overnight to dry and the next morning the floor had a definite purple tinge to it. I also only used one of the spray cans as the other would have been to much hassle blocking off already painted areas. Despite all this it ended up looking not too shabby.

Kharadron Overlords frigate

The frigate itself I’m happy with but the dwarfs are another story. What should have been a delightful month of relaxing painting turned into two months of frustration. Each week I thought it would only take another week or two until I ended up waking up earlier each week to slog my way through painting it. Once the frigate was done I thought the overlords would be quick enough to paint but no they were far worse. Full of little details made worse by my half hearted stripping attempt it’s fair to say I had lost interest and hope by the time they saw a paint brush. The last thing to be painted on the frigate was the bomb rack which went from getting a lot of individual attention to a slap of contrast paint and a quick highlight. I carried this attitude over to the dwarfs and don’t get me started on what a dwarf should be, can’t  even wear an eyepatch with those stupid helmets.

So other than the dwarfs I’m happy with it and I would quite like to paint another surprising as that may sound. I still love the model and can’t help but think how good one would look with some skaven or grots hanging off of it. Now that I think about it the KO rules would better suit skaven being shooting based and terrible in melee. In conclusion it was an enjoyable experience which I hated at the time but would like to do again.

The base was bit of an experiment to see if I could make a nice flock base for the slaves to darkness start collecting box. It was fun and easy to make but I’m not sure it will work with chaos warriors so I may try something else before I get back to them.

I bought a new photo background as well from deepcut studios. It not a proper background but I couldn’t find any since hanger 18 closed down and postage from America went nuts. I settled on getting their red planet game may in a custom smaller size. I’m not sure if it was the right colour choice for a background but I like it fine for now.

One last thing. Due to the lack of KO runes I decided to go with the dwarf runes from the Hobbit Pa-Chow!


Thanks for reading.


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