A surprisingly quick Ghoul

At the beginning of January I decided that this would be the year of big things. All the large minis I had started but never finished would be picked up and finished at a rate of around one a month. It started out well with a Kharadron Overlords frigate, every weekend morning I would go at it until the family woke up. At the end of January I thought it would only need another weekend or two but now at the end of February that’s not looking very likely. Worried I wouldn’t meet my post a month deadline I decided to take action and speed paint something.

Abhorrent ghoul king
Every time I’ve seen this mini painted up he looks like he’s just missed his bus.  I happy that I managed to capture that look

The ghoul king seemed like a good choice with mostly skin and bones that needed painting. The bones were easy enough getting some contrast paint and a couple highlights the skin could be a problem though as it’s something I’ve struggled with in the past. Knowing I have a big pile of zombies coming I had been searching YouTube for a skin tone I liked and came across this one https://youtu.be/HVoxuUn6-9o. I had seen it before but dismissed it as being something beyond my abilities but since this was a one off it was worth a shot. I was really surprised how easy it was and how well it turned out getting the whole thing done in a day, a day being what I get done in the morning plus other sneaky bits done while my toddler was distracted elsewhere. I even had time to consider covering the ghoul in ‘blood for the blood god’ but decided against it. I’d highly recommend JuanHidalgo miniatures channel on this mini alone and I’ll definitely be checking out his other tutorials.

In other news I found a blood bowl league not to far away so once the frigate is finished I’ll start on a  Skaven team then think about entering. My inspiration to paint up a kill team has gone but I’m sure when news of an event comes up I’ll get painting again. While the year of big things hasn’t got off to the greatest of starts I’m determined to keep at it and clear away some half painted minis. Then maybe some half painted army’s.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Wow, that skin tone hooked me: not too blue nor pale nor purple... Love how the yellowish flesh interacts with the magenta hue.

    Have to try it for sure. Great job dude

    1. Definitely try it out I was surprised how good it looks for the time and effort I put in. Now I’m hoping it works on dragon size minis.


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