The Glen Drookit distillers
I’ve finally finished a unit for my dwarf army! The second edition of Bugman’s rangers is easily my favourite unit ever produced so when I got back into painting picking up a unit of them was essential. When choosing a colour scheme for them I decided against the usual Bugman’s blue in favour of the stately black of my own work wear with some bright colours thrown in to balance it out. From there it was an easy transition from brewers to distillers and so ‘The Glen Drookit Distillers’ were born.
It’s taken around three to four years to get them done but its defiantly been worth it although I get less of a feeling of accomplishment from it and more of a burning desire to double the unit size. I’ll admit that the painting is rather sloppy in places and if I were to start them now I may have made different choices but I love them. The sculpts were also a little hit and miss with some being pretty awful in the mold line and flash department which a younger more impulsive me didn’t do a very good job of cleaning up.
The standard was something I thought a lot about but could never come up with something truly inspiring. Some ideas I had were a painted landscape like the BSB, a quartered pennant or some celtic pattern I would never be able to paint. In the end I kept it simple using a quartered flag proudly displaying a barrel marked with the rune of Hashut, the dwarf god of distilling. It was Hashut that first taught dwarfs the secrets of adding fire to beer which the standard bearer with the fancy beard assures me won’t have any long term consequences.
Its been great to get back to painting some classic dwarfs again after stumbling blindly through all the new plastic I seem to have accumulated. I’m not sure what I will be painting up next as I keep getting drawn to one thing or another but hopefully seeing a full unit of dwarfs will push me in the right direction. I’m already considering buying a unit of the third edition Bugman’s rangers, one of the first boxed units I bought, so that can’t be a bad thing.
Thanks for reading.
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