The old world army challenge part 0.5

Bit of a motivational post to myself this one. As predicted I have become wildly distracted from my dwarf painting goals which was initially caused by orcs which seems to be quite appropriate. If that’s all it was I could quite happily write them down in my book of grudges and go about my my day however fate has conspired against me, again. Due to frost based shenanigans I was working with someone different tonight which caused a quick break to turn into a half hour warhammer total war discussion and my desire to use morning painting time less productively.

Disgusted with myself I quickly continued reading through last years ‘official’ old world army challenge  to build some motivation and help plan how to go about getting back on track. As I was reading through everyone’s posts it seemed like they all knew where it all started for them right down to the first issue of white dwarf they had bought, I don’t have that. So it was I set out on an epic quest to discover my origin story then write up this blog post about it all while still at work.

I am without a doubt a 4th edition man, when I think of chaos dwarfs they have big hats and Babylonian beards, but how true is that? I’ve never taken an ancestry DNA test I imagine this is what it’s like though. I think it all began with hero quest released in ‘89 which my older brother got for Christmas, I would have been 9 at the time and 2-3 years before 4th edition came out. While this was an answer it was an unsatisfactory one, that could have been any Christmas more research was needed. As a side note my brother always played the barbarian while I always played the dwarf proving only true fantasy heroes played the dwarf. The next lead was my deck of chaos combat cards with the undecipherable symbols at the bottom of them. Released in ‘91 I was on the right track with my fondly remembered cards. When I showed my brother my almost complete collection of the minis on the cards all I got was a blank look... dwarfs are better.

In an effort to narrow down the search I turned to old issues of white dwarf in the hope of finding something I remembered. So first a battle report between Blood Angels and Eldar which had swooping hawks with haywire grenades and a farseer that killed some HQ guy with his spectral form I think. No time to read that now I’ll have to come back to it after work but that along with a later battle report between chaos dwarfs and high elves are the two that have stuck with me. That was issue  141 released September ‘91. My next stop was Andy Chambers Skaven in WD 137 from May ‘91 which I know was not my first issue so I’m guessing I started buying WD in 1990 meaning we got HQ the year it was released. There you have it I’m mostly 4th with abit of 3rd in my background which is why probably why I don’t paint everything red.

The army as it stands so far. 
On to the dwarfs. So far I have 292 points painted meaning 234 points will need to be painted up each month to finish on time. The good news is that the majority are already based and primed ready to be painted and I’m honestly going to need all the help I can get. I’ve also planned what to do each month  trying to decide what to do from the army often stops me and I end up working on something else.

February - The last 6 Bugman’s and 12 double handed weapon dwarfs. This will be the hardest month 18 dwarfs is a lot for me to get done. The Bugman’s along with 2 dwarfs are already started but I will need to finish the orcs before getting back to them.

March - 10 shield dwarfs, the 2 last double handed weapon dwarfs and the BSB. I’m planning on knocking out all the shields at once so that will probably be done this month as well.

April - 10 shield dwarfs, the rock lobber and the general. This should be the easiest month allowing me to make up for any short falls from the previous months.

We’ll see how it all plans out. I still need to find some wheels for the rock lobber I might try to get some better crew for it as well. I’ll write the background when I get the rangers finished I already have a rough idea to work on.

Thanks for reading.


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