The new year 2019

I know I did a year in review post not long ago but this seems like a sensible time to write down what I hope to achieve this year hobby wise. The two big projects will be my 3rd ed Dwarf army and ‘The otherworldly terror of the liche master’ which is a pretty sweet title I just made up for my plans to recreate the classic scenario with otherworld miniatures.

So far the dwarfs are doing well with all the required minis accounted for and my sneaky unofficial inclusion in the old world army challenge giving me some incentive to get painting. The tally so far is 22 painted with 42 plus a 3 dwarf rock lobber waiting for some love. The last six of my brewers have been started but were pushed aside when Gandalf turned up on my birthday.

The liche master is not doing so well. To date only one hero has been painted up leaving 121 still to do. Of those I own around 30 so still some way to go but 60 of the ones I need are skeletons and zombies so once I get them they should paint up quite quickly. I will also need to think about getting a board and terrain set up as well but that will be in another year or two.

But that’s not all, as I said Gandalf is being worked on although he has not been finished in time for the new year. I also have a few other minis in the paint pile that will be painted up sporadically throughout the year. My tally for 2018 was 42 minis painted against 62 bought (not including gift voucher purchases) so a running deficit of 20 minis which is not too bad. To aid me in this madness I’ve picked up some scale 75 paint which I’m hoping lives up to it’s reputation.

All in all I’ve been quite positive about the hobby these last few months but whether that’s due to no longer having to worry about exams or just my general outlook I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m looking forward to my second annual trip down to GW and foundry which definitely has inspired me to paint more and to hopefully get down to BOYL this year.

Happy new year and thanks for reading.


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