Otherworld crypt thing

Since posting up my dragon cultists they have became ‘dead’ popular. Everyone has been ‘dying’ to join them. I have had these guys for a while and never really had a plan for them. The otherworld website has them in dirty brown robes or I could fit them in with my citadel undead. It was while cleaning up the mound lines that I noticed the similarities to the dragon cult and decided to go with it.

crypt thing miniature
Even in death they serve.

Regular readers of the blog (ha ha ha) will remember that I was not a fan of the purple and red colour scheme while painting up the cultists so when I checked my notebook on how they were done all I found was a blank page. Turns out I hated them so much at the time I never even bothered to keep a note on how I did them. I think I got it alright in the end I still need to write it down though so that’s a job for tonight.

I weathered the robes a little and went with a darker bone colour than my citadel stuff just to add some variety and stop it being boring. I was not sure what to do with the bases since pinning them to resin bases was not going to work. I thought about making some green stuff flagstones but in the end I went with flock to see how it looked. If I ever get round to painting up my blood bowl teams I think flock would look better than static grass so this is my test piece. I’ll decide later if I like it or not.

So after getting burnt out painting skeletons I’m almost ready to get back at them. Before that though I still have one more thing to finish but hopefully that won’t take to long.

How they would look in a ZZ Top video.

Thanks for reading.


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