They’ll all pay!

You don’t know this about me but I’m a very angry and embittered person. I’ve always wanted to be liked by others but somehow I always end up alone on the edges of society, it’s upsetting. All that changed when I got my hands on the 4th ed undead book. For the first and last time I raised an army, a mighty hoard of the undead. I raised a unit of zombies, skeletons, ghosts, ghouls, wraiths and two screaming skull catapults all mine to command. Krell was the first to kneel before my might quickly followed by a Wright king with his zombie dragon. Even Nagash came to my side and in him I found a kindred spirit.

We were all set to conquer the world! But life happens. My mighty hoard only saw battle twice before other matters took over. Life’s funny like that. All these years later the fire and passion of youth has been replaced with a full time job, two loans and a mortgage but you never forget your first love it’s always there in the back of your mind. So it was when the skeleton start collecting box turned up under the Christmas tree. Looking into those empty eye sockets I remembered, the rage the hatred towards a society that had shunned and mocked me! No more! The dead shall rise and all others shall kneel. No more shall mortal man dare to look me in the eye. No more shall I have to wait in all day for a plumber that then phones to say they’ll come tomorrow. No more will I have to phone the electric company four times before getting my refund. Tremble for a new age of darkness has begun! Ahahahahaha!


The beginnings of my unending hoard of the undead. Ok so ten skeletons don’t make a legion but it’s a start. I’m still getting used to the dark magic flowing through my body that and the only painting time I have right now is between the baby going to bed and me going to work at night. I like the green on them but I’m still not sure if the banner is too bright. The idea is that important stuff will use red as a spot colour to help them stand out more. I plan on adding black knights and Arkhan the Black from my start collecting box I also have the latest Krell to add as well. I currently have three eras of Krell models which I really need to paint up because he rocks. Also weathering powders kick ass.

I’m not really angry and embittered.

Thanks for reading.


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