Nurgle lord
I put off painting this guy for a while thinking that he would be quite tricky to get looking right. After watching a few YouTube tutorials I decided to give it a go. Turns out Nurgle guys are really easy to paint. Normally I would be put off from painting anything with this much flesh on show as I struggle to get a smooth transition between the layers but it seemed to turn out ok and the washes throw abit of variety in to hide any mistakes.
The part I’m happiest with would be the armour. I have said before that I have a hard time dry brushing so to achieve the results I did has gave me a confidence boost and I will be happy using the same technique again. The horns I’m not so happy with. I tried to get a transition from light to dark using washes which I think was working although when set down to dry it the wash ran down the horn. When trying this again in future I will need to remember to hold the mini upside down until the wash dries. I used the same wash layers on the axe so I know it does work. The axe was also going to be a test piece for ‘blood for the blood god’ although I chickened out in the end and decided to use it on the guts instead along with a little ‘Nurgles rot’ to spice things up.
Winter narrows the time available for photography by a surprising amount. This was taken one hour earlier. |
In the end he was painted up very quickly (for me) and after all the smaller minis I’ve been doing lately it was also quite easy. My current project is something entirely different and may break my sanity completely. I was given Radagast the Brown as a gift from my rabbit loving wife which I tried to paint last year but was soundly defeated. This year it’s personal. After much Youtube and Dettol I have started to lay plans for my ultimate victory over finecast wizards everywhere.
Some slight variation in 28mm scale. |
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